Private house

Project description

The interior in this project is a continuation of the minimalist architectural appearance of the house. And its main feature is the monochrome dark finish, which flows smoothly from the facades into the interior of the house and makes the interior enveloping due to the black color.

Despite the abundance of black, we used techniques that made it possible to make this interior not gloomy, but on the contrary, cozy and stylish. One such technique is the lighting around the perimeter under the ceiling, which throws a soft diffused light on the ceiling, visually making it higher and the space freer. I would also like to mention the finishing of the walls, in this case, wallpaper. This solution is unusual for us, but thanks to its non-uniform and a little velvety texture, the wallpaper makes this interior softer and more relaxed.

Also in monochrome interiors the furniture plays an important role. We chose the furniture in the project so that it both dilutes the monochrome and supports the style of the interior. The centrepiece of the living room is a bright modular sofa, the blocks of which can be moved around, changing the geometry of the space to, for example, communicate while cooking dinner or watching the play of flames in the fireplace. Around the sofa we have placed accents of color in the form of coffee tables, shelving units and a designer television, which, together with the pictures, add colour and mood to the interior. Thus, the work with light, color accents and geometry of space has allowed us to create a stylish total-black interior with Italian furniture and a gorgeous view of the forest.

1st floor plan

1st floor plan
Explication of the plan

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